Our Landscape Implementation Services:
Landscape Implementation - An Overview
Our hardworking crew can complete your project
In order to meet the growing demand for efficient, quality landscape implementation, we have rapidly grown our workforce. Currently, we have five hardworking teams who are responsible for the planting of all soft landscaping projects for a variety of clients, including land developers, councils, farmers and landowners.
Our unique point of difference is our complete business model approach. Clients can begin their journey with us at any point in a project, but ideally at the early stages to capture land-use and ecological advice. We can follow this up with full site preparation and plant supply from our in-house nursery – completing the picture with our planting services and ongoing maintenance.
Over time, we have built up strong relationships with large-scale developer partners, councils and top New Zealand landscape architects. Our reputation for delivering quality work within budget, scope and timeframe, has enabled us to work on many high profile projects including an ongoing partnership with Tara Iti Golf Club, New Zealand’s leading golf club and resort.
We are grateful to those who have put their trust in our expertise.