For the better part of a decade, Rural Design has been extensively working on the revegetation and rehabilitation of the coastal dune lands at Tara...
Wonderful Wetlands
The new National Policy Statement for Freshwater Water Management (2020) and National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (2020) have put...
Our new glasshouse and shade house would not be complete without high tech new irrigation booms to go with them! So recently we had 2 Daros booms...
Our Year in NUMBERS
A roundup of our work in 2020 from the Ecology Division 71 hectares – 246 289 plants – 15 km of streams. What do these numbers mean for our Ecology...
Can Permaculture Save The Agricultural Industry From Climate Change?
Permaculture, according to Wikipedia, is described as a system of agricultural and social design principles centered on the patterns and features...
How Permaculture Can Help Your Land Cope With Climate Change
One way of improving the fertility of your land is through permaculture. Permaculture is an agricultural system centered on utilizing the land based...
What are the Benefits of Riparian Planting?
The role of riparian planting is critical to the survival of your land. If you have riparian areas or wetlands in your property, you can use them to...