Matariki at Rural Design

Matariki at Rural Design

Mānawatia Matariki! Happy Matariki! This year at Rural Design we celebrated Matariki (albeit a little late) with a mid winter hāngi. Our mid winter...

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Maramataka Māori + Rural Design

Maramataka Māori + Rural Design

Tēna tātou e te whānau! Last month in conjunction with Matariki we were lucky enough to attend a hui about the maramataka Māori, hosted by our hau...

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A holiday on Aotea/Great Barrier

A holiday on Aotea/Great Barrier

Keeping it local! Going on a holiday with your workmates who you literally spend about 90% of your waking hours with might seem like a pretty crazy...

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Farewell to our Rangatira

Farewell to our Rangatira

This post won't be long as many thoughts, videos, pictures, memories, anecdotes have been shared over the past two weeks since Bill Worsfold (our...

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