Different types and benefits of permaculture

30 December, 2015

Benefits of Permaculture

Permaculture is an attractive option for landowners because of its numerous benefits. Just some of the benefits include:

● Less waste – Everything within the permaculture system is utilized; like using garden waste as fertilizer. The use of waste and by-products is one of the reasons why permaculture is sustainable.
● Saves on water – Permaculture also involves utilizing rainwater and wastewater, making it more efficient and cost effective than most farms.
● Economically feasible – It is cost efficient since you don’t need to use pesticides, and most permaculture systems require less maintenance. All you need to do is water the crops and do mulching from time to time.

Permaculture helps your property withstand the effects of climate change and continue to be productive. It’s also an agricultural practice that’s healthier to the environment, allowing for sustainable production for longer periods of time. And permaculture, done well, can be more efficient than a regular farm, allowing you to produce more crop with fewer resources and less maintenance.

The Permaculture Processes

There are a host of permaculture practices used for land developers, depending on the need of the land. Below are just some of the practices utilized by most landowners.

Natural building

Natural building is a permaculture practice that deals with building systems (materials included) directed towards the improving the land’s sustainability. It focuses on creating a durable living environment that can continue to produce crops despite natural weather or landscape changes.

Sheet mulching

It is a gardening technique that recreates natural processes within a property or a forest. One of the unique qualities of sheet mulching, for instance, is that it can mimic leaf cover found usually on forest floors.


A practice combining trees, shrubs with crops and livestock, using agricultural and forestry techniques to recreate the natural ecosystem of the land.


Is a permaculture practice that involves using large volumes of wood for soil water retention. This is used in order to sustain the crops during dry season as the wood acts as a massive sponge that holds water.

Since it is a process, seeking the help of a professional should be part of the plan. At Rural Design, our years of experience in doing permaculture will bring about certain improvements and development in your property. From restoration projects to orchard design to rural landscaping to farm forestry, we cover everything so you can make the most out of underutilized land.

How Rural Design can help

Our close business relations with local and regional units will ensure a suitable farm plan for your property, in line with the requirements attached to it, so you will have a smoother implementation of your permaculture project.

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