Landuse Management Proposals And How It’s Used In Landscaping Projects

29 December, 2015

A Land Management Proposal (LMP) is a requirement or set of propositions for land management and development. This is applicable particularly for landscaping with certain land specifications. It is essential to landscaping services because it offers options in dealing with property management, including maximizing its resources.

Landuse management proposals explore the capabilities of your land. Upon determining your land’s capabilities, plans to maximize land use can be achieved such as expanding its resource base for more sustainable land development.

Also included within LMPs are options for project designs in land use or development, whether it’s on a short or long-term basis.  With LMPs, the goal always is to provide options to improve not just the look of the land but also its sustainability.

An LMP has four major functions:

● Provide land management options for developers – LMP provides options on how to deal with distinct property characteristics like land structure or soil composition for a more appropriate land management.
● Offer various designs for architectural landscaping – it gives developers a chance to explore landscaping designs suitable for the property.
● Develop plans that maximizes land use – allows landowners and developers to explore other ways to use or develop the property in a sustainable manner.
● Pave way for ecological restoration – these proposals allow landowners to have a better idea on how to deal with their property for restoration purposes.

Components of an Effective Land Management Proposal

An LMP guides you in the preparations needed before doing your restoration or revegetation project and provides options on how to manage your project. And in order to do that, a land management proposal needs to have accurate assessments of elements such as:

● geography,
● climate,
● plants used,
● water systems,
● human use, and
● legislation or policies involved.

In addition to the assessments, there are other factors that dictate the creation of your proposal.  

1. Location. Location matters when it comes to landscaping concerns, and it should be within the broader catchment context, i.e., a broader assessment of the land’s impact in relation to its location.
2. Property Characteristics. It is also important that you identify areas in your landscape in terms of their characteristics, such as wetland presence or areas where specific animal species frequent, so you can handle its development with precision.
3. Identify possible issues. There should be an assessment of management issues as well, along with the development of opportunities within the specific area. For instance, a waterway that overflows even with light rainfall should be addressed during the proposal stage.
4. Develop an appraisal system – it enables you to assess pertinent elements in a property such as shelter concerns, forest linkages and even water management before  doing your restoration or revegetation projects.

As soon as these factors are considered, you can now proceed with detailed, strategic instructions for the management and development of your property. By doing this, it brings down costs, thereby eliminating wasted resources, while maintaining the value of the property.

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