Can Permaculture Save The Agricultural Industry From Climate Change?

2 February, 2016

Permaculture, according to Wikipedia, is described as a system of agricultural and social design principles centered on the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. Permaculture uses the land’s resources as a starting point of its development.

But recent developments show otherwise. Permaculture has been set aside for more immediate means of development. Some landowners are not that keen in doing permaculture. They argue that it takes a lot of time and return of investment is slow.

But as the effects of climate change intensifies, permaculture is not being seen as a more sustainable means of agriculture. It has a low carbon footprint, which reduces its impact on the environment and it helps the property maintain its viability even through the effects of climate change.

Can Permaculture Make a Difference?

The agricultural industry is one of the most affected by climate change, which is why it’s important for the industry to do as much as it can to combat and adopt to climate change. But throughout history, the agricultural industry has done its share in contributing to carbon emissions and greenhouse gases.

The adoption of organic farming methods and green technology helps but it’s not enough. For the agricultural sector to continue to feed the world’s growing population, it has to find ways to thrive against the change.

This is what makes permaculture an ideal option for the agricultural sector. It’s a philosophy that works with the environment and the changes that come in. It is focused on reducing waste and making the most of what’s available within the property while minimizing impact. It doesn’t add to the damage that’s already done to the planet. Rather, it helps the environment recover while utilizing what’s already available to increase productivity.

Productivity and Feasibility of Permaculture

Critics argue that permaculture is not as productive as traditional farming methods nor is it feasible for all types of land. But with proper planning, permaculture can be implemented in almost all types of farms. Permaculture farms can also be just as efficient with proper planning and maintenance.

Permaculture is productive in so many ways because:

  • It minimizes waste – Making full use of its resources is one of the reasons why permaculture is viable. Nothing is laid waste.
  •  It introduces diversity – Taking advantage of the uniqueness of the local environment helps improve productivity. It provides more opportunities for farmers to earn from their farms with crops that are resilient and best suited to the local area.
  •  It reinvigorates the property– Permaculture is renewable farming. It encourages giving back to the land and environment through the use of organic farming methods. This keeps the land fertile and allows it to continue to produce viable crops despite climate change.
  •  It offers manageable solutions – Permaculture is viable because it makes use of local resources.  These resources are manageable and more sustainable in the long run.
  •  It is so close to nature – Designing your landscaping while being sensitive to the needs of your land.  It is a way of securing the sustainability of your property.

Permaculture is a unique land development system.  It attempts to fight the damaging effects of nature through nature itself. It doesn’t add up to the increasing amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. It actually prevents the spreading of it.

But doing permaculture effectively requires careful planning. And seeking the help of a professional landscaping expert makes sense. Although you might be in a better position to do permaculture yourself because you know your land. Hiring a landscaping expert can help provide options on how to fully maximize the potential of your land.

How we are doing it

We at Rural Design have been doing permaculture for years. Our combined expertise plus our holistic approach in landscaping and planning has made us experts in this field. We don’t just turn idle land into productive farms. We maximize them to their full potential by ensuring that these farms are sustainable and that they continue to be viable for years to come.

We also understand the needs and limitations of our clients. That’s why we make sure that the implementation and maintenance of our permaculture properties are feasible. It’s important for us that farms don’t just get started, but they continue to grow. And to make things even easier, we have an extensive nursery of eco-sourced plants that provides you with all the appropriate plants for permaculture. We also have an experienced workforce that can help with implementation, ensuring that your permaculture plan will thrive and pay dividends in the future.

So be a part of the future of agriculture. Start your permaculture project now. Our future depends on it.

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