For the better part of a decade, Rural Design has been extensively working on the revegetation and rehabilitation of the coastal dune lands at Tara...
From Poor Passage to Steady Streams: A Tale of Tides & Tribulations
We believe in a holistic approach when it comes to protecting and enhancing our natural environment. A major part of this includes restoring our...
Wonderful Wetlands
The new National Policy Statement for Freshwater Water Management (2020) and National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (2020) have put...
New nursery pad update – December 2021
Lift-off As many of you know, we have been busy working around the clock to establish a new dam and a new nursery pad on our farm that will allow...
Our new glasshouse and shade house would not be complete without high tech new irrigation booms to go with them! So recently we had 2 Daros booms...
Matariki at Rural Design
Mānawatia Matariki! Happy Matariki! This year at Rural Design we celebrated Matariki (albeit a little late) with a mid winter hāngi. Our mid winter...
Our Year in NUMBERS
A roundup of our work in 2020 from the Ecology Division 71 hectares – 246 289 plants – 15 km of streams. What do these numbers mean for our Ecology...
Rural Design Ecology 2019
Rural Design is a leading ecological practice based in Kaiwaka, offering expert consultancy services in land restoration, ecology and landscape...
Kakahi, our Freshwater Taonga
The ecology division have been battling the elements... Recent weather events are illustrating how vunerable our water systems are to modifed human...
The Banded Kokopu, A Kaipara Local
The Banded kokopu is listed as a ‘regionally significant species’ and is an amphidromous fish, spawning in estuaries and sea from autumn/early...