
Our news and views

Welcome to our blog, where you will find latest news and some of our views from various members of our team relating to our work and knowledge here at Rural Design.  Posts cover landscaping and ecology, interesting info about native plants, tips for planting and heaps more.

Rural Design Ecology 2019

Rural Design Ecology 2019

Rural Design is a leading ecological practice based in Kaiwaka, offering expert consultancy services in land restoration, ecology and landscape...

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Kakahi, our Freshwater Taonga

Kakahi, our Freshwater Taonga

The ecology division have been battling the elements... Recent weather events are illustrating how vunerable our water systems are to modifed human...

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Autumn Planting in full swing

Autumn Planting in full swing

A wet summer has meant planting is in full swing in Northland and Auckland. Rural design is currently working on a variety of projects aimed at...

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Farewell to our Rangatira

Farewell to our Rangatira

This post won't be long as many thoughts, videos, pictures, memories, anecdotes have been shared over the past two weeks since Bill Worsfold (our...

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Toetoe or Pampas?

Toetoe or Pampas?

Pampas (Cordaderia selloana) is a plague on the northern landscapes of New Zealand. Often confused for the native plant Toetoe (Austroderia) , which...

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